If you have found any of the information on our website helpful or it has saved your life or that of a loved one & would like to receive more including an opportunity to acquire some of our technology, then feel free to donate to our R & D foundation as a token of appreciation to keep us motivated to help others as well. A donation to the R & D foundation of any amount that suits your generosity will as a token of appreciation for the work we are doing thus allow us to send to you via email (encrypted if you wish) all this information. Simply send us a blank (even anonymous email) with ONLY the transaction reference of your Bitcoin donation to our email info@blaze-technology.org (include your PGP Public key if you would like the information sent encrypted). All donations are 100% anonymous as you probably already know via Bitcoin (BTC) and can be sent directly to our bitcoin wallet address below:

This will also ensure that we do not spam you with irrelevant information that you do not need however given these tensions geo-politically, I think this action is well within reigns. This will also make you an exclusive member of our organization as well as a potential universe ambassador, depending of course on your input & dedication to what our organization stands for
You can buy Bitcoin from HERE. Follow the links to our P2P Bitcoin Trading Platform from that page